Key data

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Car Sales This Month |   2024-06

  • Passenger vehicle 163,501
  • Sedan 53,634
  • MPV 26,767
  • SUV 83,100
  • Commercial vehicle 8
  • Total for vehicles 163,509
Total vehicle sales this year

Sales volume by brand |   2024-06

  • GAC Honda 34,350
  • GAC Toyota 70,072
  • GAC Motor 32,784
  • GAC AION 25,692
  • Other 611
  • Total for vehicles 163,509
  • Including: New energy vehicles: 32474, Energy saving vehicle: 38755
Independent R&D investment of GAC (hundred million RMB)
Consolidated business revenue (hundred million RMB)
Net profit attributable to parent company (hundred million RMB)
Earnings per share (RMB)

Contact Investor


Director of the board office: Liu XiangNeng Liu Dongling Chen Jian

Office of the board of directors: Wu Xiaolin Liu Xiaochao


Tel: 020-83151139 * 3

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